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Image is a Business of TRUST

Image Courtesy: TeresaDianChew@The Image Factor 

Author Teresa meeting Datuk Mary Yap Kain Ching JP, former Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Malaysia, and presenting a copy of the first print of The Image Factor at her Putrajaya Ministry Office 2018.

Foreword by Datuk Mary Yap Kain Ching, JP, Deputy Minister of Higher Education Malaysia

The Image Factor is a unique concept toward epic creativity, where one is able to take full advantage of his or her image while still being mindful of his or her limitations. Whether we are a business leader, entrepreneur, executive professional, politician, or celebrity, the image factor ideology acts as an enhancement for one's PERSONALITY.

-An excerpt of the foreword from Datuk Mary Yap.


A special message from YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir, former Prime Minister of Malaysia

YAB former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir 

"Your commitment and hard work towards the growth of Malaysia has not gone unnoticed. I would like to congratulate you and extend my appreciation for your dedication, enthusiasm, and support. A hardworking person like you as head of private sectors of your caliber works from the heart, hence you automatically stand out as it is almost a natural occurrence. There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you do it when circumstances permit, and when you are committed to something, you accept no excuses, only result."

Best Regards
Tun Dr. Mohamad Bin Mahathir
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia 

19th July 2019


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What our readers say about the book.

"This isn't an ordinary success book. It is a book that uncovers your deepest and darkest traits, your self-image, and discovery of the other personality you have never known before."

Nicole Fe Lynne,
Founder of SFW (Selangor Fashion Week)
Co-Founder of MMK 


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