

Meet the Author, Teresa Dian Chew

Your Image is the most Unspoken Secrets of Sucess!
You can't hide it, but you can control it.

Teresa Dian Chew is an International Award-winning Image Consultant and Strategist with a passion to awaken the inner strength and resources within people and to assist them in achieving their true potential. As one of Asia's leading authorities on IMAGE and IMPRESSION, she believes your past does not define your future; you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Teresa is the founder and CEO of a boutique Image Consulting & Education Company (a One-Stop solution Image REFINEMENT Company for Personal and Business). The multidisciplinary award-winning Image Brand caters to a good mix of clients across various industries, adding value to clients' brand entity.

For more than 20 years, Teresa leads thousands of Image Refinement motivation seminars and coaching across the country, and her CERTIFICATION programs validate the knowledge and skills of its graduates and professionals' credibility within the industry. Thousands of people have enjoyed the warmth and the transformational experience from Teresa's business and personal development events. She is the region's #1 life and business strategist- She's called upon to consult and coach some of the industry's finest leaders, entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even diplomats of the country. Her philanthropic efforts helped provide beyond service. Teresa is currently living in Malaysia. 

Teresa aspires to educate and communicate that real beauty is within everyone.

To request her full profile, please kindly directly contact her via our CONTACT FORM.


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